The Smart Key

100% protection for your vehicle against un-authorised entry and theft

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The Smart Key

The SMART-KEY is a state-of-the-art vehicle anti-theft system that provides 100% protection for your vehicle against unauthorized usage and vehicle theft.

How it works

Compatible with any vehicle or mode

Once a SMART-KEY is fitted in your vehicle, you set your own secret 4 digit passcode which will be required before igniting (starting) vehicle.

If the wrong sequence of code is entered three times, the device will time out for up to 3 minutes and if physically tampered with, the device will seamlessly immobilize the vehicle

If you suspect that your user code has become public information, you can easily enter your master code and reset a new 4 digit user code to ensure safety of your vehicle.

Benefits of a Smart key

Maintains the privacy of the vehicle user

Affordable, with a one off payment

Free Installation (in and around Kampala)

Compatible with any type of vehicle, mode

Installation doesn’t interfere with your car

It has its own backup battery system

It is tamper proof

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